quarta-feira, 7 de maio de 2014

63. Illegal Immigration

Hello, and welcome back1.  I'm Jim Tedder in Washington. Let's learn2 some American English and find out some interesting things3 about our world at the same time4.
 Today we hear about illegal immigration5 in the United States.  This is about people who have come to live6 in America, but have not obeyed7 the country's citizenship laws8.

Then, we have another story about the U.S.  The highest court9 in the land10 has just decided that minority students may not get11 the help they have been given12 for years, when it comes to13 getting into college14.

Immigration and education ...two very important subjects15 ...presented16 in the Learning English style, are coming your way.

The United States has expelled17 about two million illegal immigrants in the five years since18 Barack Obama has been19 president.  Some Americans say the Obama administration is too aggressive20 in enforcing21 immigration law.  But others say it has not been aggressive enough22.

Greg Chen is with the American Immigration Lawyers23 Association.  He says the Obama administration is expelling illegal immigrants from the country in record numbers.

“Those numbers, under24 both President Bush and Obama, have increased25 steadily26 in the past decade and are currently27 at a real high point.  So overall28, it’s important to recognize29 that the administration has been incredibly30 robust in its enforcement practices.”

But others say the number of people being31 expelled is down.  Jon Ferre works for the Center for Immigration Studies.

“What we need to see is a serious commitment32 to immigration enforcement.  We need to see deportation numbers actually33 going up, instead of34 going down, as they are now.  But thus far35, the White House just doesn’t seem36 all that serious about immigration enforcement.”

How can37 the same38 numbers be seen39 so differently?  Because of the difference between what the government calls “returns” and “removals40.”  The number of returns – immigrants seized at the border41 and sent back home42 has dropped43 over the past 10 years44
But the number of removals has risen45 to an all-time high46
The term removals means47 immigrants who have been officially expelled and barred from returning48 to the United States.

Jon Ferre is concerned49 that the combined total of returns and removals is down.

“So if you’re looking at this idea of removals, which is a type of deportation, the numbers do appear to be50 going up slightly51.  But if you look at overall deportation numbers, which is removals plus52 returns, which occur53 along the border, you see that the numbers are actually going down.”

But Gren Chen says the government is still taking steps against54 illegal immigration.

“The thing to recognize is that President Obama has increased the border presence and he has made the actual outcomes55, the consequences of having been apprehended and deported out of the country, more severe56 by having a greater number of removals.”

Jim Tom Haynes has worked for a long time as an immigration lawyer.  He says fewer57 new deportation cases are going to immigration courts.  Such courts, he adds, already have far more58 cases than they can deal with59.

“The cases that do get into the court60 are taking61 years to get through62. So I think that you have fewer deportations now simply63 because the courts can’t process all this work.”

The debate over whether64 more or less enforcement is needed65 is likely66 to influence any effort67 to reform the U.S. immigration system.  It may also affect68 the result of the congressional elections in November.


1.               welcome back = bem-vindo de volta
2.               Let's learn = vamos aprender
3.               find out some interesting things = descobrir algumas coisas interessantes
4.               at the same time = ao mesmo tempo
5.               illegal immigration = imigração ilegal
6.               live = morar
7.               have not obeyed = não tem obedecido
8.               citizenship laws = leis de cidadania
9.               The highest court = o tribunal mais alto
10.            land = terra, país
11.            may not get = podem não conseguir
12.            they have been given = que eles tem recebido
13.            when it comes to = quando se trata de
14.            getting into college = entrar para a faculdade
15.            subjects = assuntos
16.            presented = apresentado
17.            expelled = expulsaram
18.            since = desde
19.            has been = tem sido
20.            too aggressive = agressivo demais
21.            enforcing = impor pela lei
22.            enough = o suficiente
23.            Lawyers = advogados
24.            under = sob
25.            have increased = tem aumentado
26.            steadily = regularmente
27.            currently = atualmente
28.            overall = no geral
29.            recognize = reconhecer
30.            incredibly = incrivelmente
31.            being = sendo
32.            serious commitment = compromisso sério
33.            actually = na verdade
34.            instead of = ao invés de
35.            thus far = até agora
36.            seem = parecer
37.            How can = como pode (como é possível)
38.            same = mesmos
39.            seen = vistos
40.            removals = remoções
41.            seized at the border = apreendidos na fronteira
42.            sent back home = enviados de volta para casa
43.            has dropped = tem caído
44.            over the past 10 years = ao longo dos ultimos 10 anos
45.            has risen = tem aumentado
46.            all-time high = o ponto mais alto
47.            means = significa
48.            barred from returning = proibidos de retornar
49.            concerned = preocupado
50.            do appear to be = parecem mesmo esta
51.            slightly = ligeiramente
52.            plus = mais
53.            occur = ocorre
54.            taking steps against = tomando medidas contra
55.            actual outcomes = resultados reais
56.            severe = rigoroso
57.            fewer = menos
58.            far more = muito mais
59.            deal with = lidar com
60.            get into the court = vão para o tribunal
61.            taking = levando
62.            get through = ser concluido
63.            simply = simplesmente
64.            whether = se (ou não)
65.            needed = necessário
66.            likely = provável
67.            effort = esforço

68.            may also affect = pode tambem afetar