quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2014

80. Chocolate: Is it good for our health?

Chocolate.  Is it good for our health1?  Or is it just2 good?  Many experts3 warn4 that the sugar in chocolate is not good for us.  But doctors point to5 the healthful qualities6 of chocolate’s antioxidants. 

VOA's George Putic reports that7 uncooked8, organic chocolate may contain9 the right balance10The biggest value11 in eating cocoa12 and dark chocolate, besides the taste13, may be14 its ability to lower blood pressure15.  This comes from the rich, comforting16, almost17 decadent, feeling18 of cocoa butter19 melting20 in your mouth21.

That happy feeling may also add22 to chocolate's anti-depressant qualities, says Kim Hoffman.  Ms. Hoffman is a dietician23, a person who advises24 people about what to eat to be healthy.  She tells how dark25 chocolate makes us feel better26 and raises our mood27.

“It contains28 phenethylamines, which is a neurotransmitter that is found in the brain29 and actually30 acts as31 a mood elevator. It also enhances32 the blood endorphins, which are the happy opiates33, and they are basically around when you are on a high34.”

Not all chocolate is equal35 when it comes to36 those helpful chemicals37.  The way commercial chocolate makers38 produce chocolate affects its health benefits. The high temperatures used in making chocolate, like this chocolate fountain39, may remove its health benefits.

First, there is the issue40 of temperature.  The heat41 required42 to process commercial chocolate can be as high as 130 degrees centigrade43.  Some researchers say temperatures that high can actually lower the effectiveness44 of those beneficial chemicals. Anthony Grid makes fine chocolates at a store called45 Honest Chocolate, in Cape Town46, South Africa.  He keeps47 the temperature of his raw chocolate48 below 42 degrees.

The Raw Food Movement. Mr. Grid says that there is a movement in the food world to limit heat when cooking food.  Followers49 of this movement say that high temperatures lower the health benefits of our food. “There's a movement for minimal cooking or minimal heating of food, just to retain50 the natural antioxidants or whatever51, the minerals or whatever it may be52.  So cocoa is part of that - you can do it raw, with a very good quality bean53.”

Another way54 chocolate makers decrease55 its health benefits is by adding sugar.  The taste56 of cocoa is naturally sharp57, or bitter58.  This bitterness59 comes from60 an antioxidant in cocoa, a chemical called polyphenol.  To reduce cocoa’s bitter taste, makers of chocolate products remove the polyphenol and add sugar.

Adding sugar61 to chocolate may cut down62 on bitterness, but it also63 cuts down on health benefits. Adding sugar to chocolate may cut down on bitterness, but it also cuts down on health benefits. Food science writer64 Leonie Joubert notes that sugar is connected to weight-related illnesses65.  Ms. Joubert warns66 that eating too much sugar leads to67 many health problems.

“The problem is that overexposure68 to sugar over a long period of time - it causes this repeated inflammatory response in the body, which now is linked to heart disease.  Obviously it's linked to obesity and weight problems and the associated diseases.”

Quality Over Quantity. The chocolates at Honest Chocolate are made with agave nectar, not cane sugar69.  And they have a very high percentage of cacao.  This is something buyer70 (customer) Jessica Bonin enjoys. “What I find quite remarkable71 about their chocolate is that you are not overwhelmed72 by the sugar so you actually get to taste the chocolate itself, which is really so luxurious and quite decadent.”

Like many other people who know good chocolate when they taste it -- chocolate connoisseurs -- Ms. Bonin satisfies her craving73 with just one small piece of really good chocolate.  In other words, she chooses “quality over quantity.” And this choice74 is most likely better for her health. And that’s the Health Report.  I’m Anna Matteo.


1.     health = saúde
2.     just = apenas
3.     experts = especialistas
4.     warn = alertam
5.     point to = apontam para
6.     healthful qualities = qualidades saudáveis
7.     reports that = relata que
8.     uncooked = cru, não cozido
9.     may contain = pode conter
10.  right balance = equilíbrio correto
11.  The biggest value = o maior valor
12.  cocoa = cacau
13.  besides the taste = além do sabor
14.  may be = pode ser
15.  lower blood pressure = baixar a pressão sanguínea
16.  comforting = confortante
17.  almost = quase
18.  feeling = sensação
19.  butter = manteiga
20.  melting = derretendo
21.  mouth = boca
22.  may also add = pode também adicionar
23.  dietician = nutricionista
24.  advises = aconselha
25.  dark = escuro
26.  makes us feel better = faz-nos sentir melhor
27.  raises our mood = eleva nosso humor
28.  contains = contém
29.  found in the brain = encontrado no cérebro
30.  actually = na verdade
31.  acts as = atua como
32.  enhances = melhora, realça
33.  opiates = derivado de ópio
34.  on a high = em um nivel elevado
35.  equal = igual
36.  when it comes to = quando se trata de
37.  helpful chemicals = produtos quimicos uteis
38.  makers = fabricantes
39.  fountain = fonte
40.  there is the issue = existe a questão
41.  heat = calor
42.  required = exigido
43.  degrees centigrade = graus centigrados
44.  lower the effectiveness = baixar a eficiencia
45.  a store called = uma loja chamada
46.  Cape Town = cidade do cabo
47.  keeps = mantém
48.  raw chocolate = chocolate cru
49.  Followers = seguidores
50.  just to retain = apenas para reter
51.  whatever = o que quer que seja
52.  whatever it may be = qualquer que possa ser
53.  bean = feijão
54.  Another way = uma outra forma
55.  decrease = diminuem
56.  taste = sabor
57.  sharp = ardido, forte
58.  bitter = amargo
59.  bitterness = amargura
60.  comes from = vem de
61.  Adding sugar = adicionar açúcar
62.  may cut down = pode cortar
63.  also = also
64.  writer = escritor(a)
65.  weight-related illnesses = doenças relacionadas ao peso
66.  warns = alerta
67.  leads to = conduz to
68.  overexposure = superexposição
69.  açúcar de cana
70.  buyer = comprador (cliente)
71.  quite remarkable = bastante notável
72.  overwhelmed = sobrecarregado
73.  craving = ânsia, desejo

74.  choice = escolha